alt serv

During COVID closures, UCP of Stanislaus’ Day Programs and Employment Services have switched to Alternative Services. These services include online UCP Virtual Classes each week.  These classes touch on topics such as Arts & Craft, Safety, Karaoke, Voting Rights and science to name a few.  They provide a way for UCP participants and other people who have joined to stay connected and have something to do throughout the week. Classes are held weekdays at 10am & 2pm, the schedules can be found on our Facebook and Instagram pages each week


UCP of Stanislaus is also offering some enhanced Alternative Services in the form of individual home visits.  These home visits will be arranged with the individual and their instructor.  This is time can be used for one on one sessions to meet goals or work on something else as requested. These session can be held online or outdoors at the individuals home using all safety protocols such as 6 ft distancing, masks wearing, frequent sanitizing and handwashing.